It isn’t religion we need as a nation or as a united world

Religion and spirituality, what do those two terms mean to you? It may just surprise you on how many people truly cannot define the differences. Truth be said, these differences can have a huge deciding factor on whether or not we will follow man, or if we will follow spirit.

Religion is a set of rules, doctrines or standards set by man. Many religions claim to be divinely inspired by the written works of those leading each religion. The claim is that ‘God” himself directly worked through them. The issue with that scenario is the visible divided and torn truths that make up so many faiths in our country today. The evidence of such theological confusion may point to this idea. Perhaps mankind has lost its true divine connection to the Divine, and that over the years, has also fabricated with good intention a set of rules in order to create a logical, and seemly, godly religious body. This of course would cause great strive and division, in such a land of democracy as ours, for the opinions of mankind have always been divided, here and worldwide. It is religion that has caused more innocent death and destruction then anything in thousands of years.

Spirituality however is being led by the spirit personally. It means knowing and believing in a higher power. It means trusting that if an individual seeks after truth, then by the nature of a loving God, they will in time, find that truth. Spirituality may include to a degree some of what is seen in religion, such as reading the written works of others in the faith, listening to elders that have obtained wisdom and a using such format to base a foundation on which we will discern and choose our path. But we will never blindly follow unless it has been confirmed in our spirit, that it is sound, and the path for us. This is what marks the real difference in religion and spirituality.

Fear is the number one reason for spiritual failure. Many people will go through their whole life and never experience real spirituality. For many, all they will ever see or feel is what is seen and felt by men or women leading with good intention, but that lack any real spiritual power or insight. It is the fear of stepping outside the normal box of corporate religion that quenches all that the spirit has to offer. It is a fear of the unknown and of one walking in a lack of spiritual trust. Even the Holy Bible says to seek and you will find the truth. Real truth isn’t found in physically memberships or following a set of rules, it is only found when we are touched within, and in a place where Jesus called “The Kingdom of God”. The Bible says God is a spirit, thus this is the kingdom of spirit. Spirituality begins within you, not in any building. It begins as a desire and a calling towards a greater awareness, and a longing to find it.

We have many religions within this country and our world. Most of them torn, and divided among themselves, while the others war against those they were called to be at peace with. It isn’t religion we need as a nation or as a united world; it is a true spiritual and divine connection that we need. We need to be able to understand the differences in each other and not have those differences make us feel threatened or otherwise intimidated, but rather in a spirit of love be at peace with one another. We may not agree all the time, but who said we have too? Peace is a decision, and a decision to not spiritual judge, or to enforce one’s particular belief on another, is a decision of peace. We rather choose to allow the spirit to guild and teach each individual in their own timing and at their own pace, leaving such final judgments to the spirit.

I would urge any individual to look within themselves, listen to that gentle voice you once knew, and begin to let it lead you in divine trust.

We are not slaves to the world but are free to the spirit

Destiny is a word that is packed full of challenges. It requires a series of choices and decisions that point our way down each and every path. These choices and decisions are what will eventually lead us to our final walk, and to each of our destinies. These two actions however depend on two factors. Complete trust and complete freedom are the determining factors that will decide whether our destinies will be fulfilled or whether they will not. Destiny is indeed the outcome designed for each of us, but I’m here to tell you fear and spiritual confinement can put a brick wall around you and can stop all good things from coming your way.

Free will is a gift of the Divine. It allows for our victories and our failures. In each, whether it be victory or failure a choice was made and a path was chosen. On our journey we will be on many paths, regardless of what any man may claim. There are many paths leading to the same direction, though they may appear as they do not. These paths will cross each other at different points and times, and though each of us may be walking down a different pathway presently, understand this, that in no way means we won’t end up at the same final location at the end.

Each time a failure comes from our choice or decision a lesson is learned and a new path becomes clear. Do not judge anyone for their present path but understand that if they are led by the spirit it is for a valid reason. Our salvation and destiny does not come from man’s law or church membership but solely and completely through spiritual intervention. Yes, we do learn things from our teachers, our mentors and our spiritual leaders but salvation comes from an epiphany that leads to revelation. To have that, we must have trust and complete freedom.

Along with our destiny each of us searches for true love. But true love requires a freedom that has no bounds, for real love has no conditions of merit or standard. It requires a trust that supersedes natural human limits but is metaphorically simply set free within us as kaleidoscope of brilliant emotions that carry us to a world that only lovers can imagine. It is a free flow of perfect love and perfect trust. These two actions are carried on our choices and our decisions on how we will approach life and people. Yes, there are pains that come with trust but in it we believe that in the pain we were taught and become stronger people.

What is all this saying? It’s simple really. Throughout the world we find people scrambling and searching for love, their purpose, their calling, and to simply find something to truly believe in, when the whole time, all that they had searched for, already lied within them. Even Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within us. It isn’t any outward kingdom where we find salvation and contentment, it is within us.

The issues lies in our choice, of do we trust and do we decide on freedom? Does our life allow for free choice and free love? Are we full of judgment or are we full of grace? Do we love with conditions or do we love unconditionally? Are we free to walk our path without condemnation, and condemnation can come from us as well as others? Can we trust the spirit enough to walk into darkness and to love when pain may certainly be an outcome?

Freedom comes from trust doesn’t it? Trust in something bigger than we are. Its trust in the Divine, and knowing that if our intentions are true, the spirit will not fail us no matter how dark things may appear at the present time. We know and understand that in all things good and bad, good can come from it. We are not slaves to the world but are free to the spirit and understand life and creation for all that it is. We refuse to be bound by vain law but chose to fly with the eagles and to feel even though not every emotion is a pleasant one. We are free, are you?

Unconditional Love

Unconditionally, what meaning does that word hold for you? If we apply that word to love, is it something that can touch your heart? To love unconditionally, without boundaries or limitations, is something every human on earth I believe has endeavored to find. Unconditional love has no conditions of merit or standard but merely is and forever real and holding. It burns within the kingdom of God that resides within us and sees no mistakes but sees only grace and unending love. It wraps around us as angels wings and holds us in the storms of raging chaos no matter what we have done or what circumstance we are walking in
Unconditional love has no judgments or condemnation, but knows only that love is the key to the doorway of all our destinies. Many will say that unconditional love is simply a word that cannot hold true, but I beg to differ. Unconditional love can indeed only come when we lay down our words of criticism or accusations, but it is real. You may see someone that in your eyes may walk in sin, yet understand this before you jump to conclusion. In each of our spiritual walks, the spirit walks us down many paths in order to teach us our course of study. Don’t criticize or accuse any soul, for they may be exactly where they are intended to be and your words of good intention may hinder the very plan of God.
Unconditional love must offer choice and free will. In offering this, it is inevitable that mistakes will be made and expected. The spirit knows we will probably fail as many times or more than we have victory, but this is the course of our salvation we walk. How dare any soul condemn another while not yet attaining perfection themselves. We all must learn, and to learn we must experience. Even in the darkest of our times, when emptiness and loneliness fill us with a sense of hopelessness, it is then that we learn and experience emotions and spirituality that will mold us into an awakened soul.
For a faith where its Savior taught not to judge, it seems the church or at least the people within it, have fingers ready to point and words that are ready to ready to cut. There is a difference between using truth to sharpen a friend’s sword than it is to cut down a man simply because he has yet to attain the same robe of righteousness that you currently wear. Judge not for the man or woman you now judge may soon wear the very crown on your head instead of you.
Unconditional love whether it be for woman or a man or a brother or sister. Apply these words with gentle direction in love and watch the storms of their lives begin to settle. Offer a hand of love and gentleness and simply leave the rest to the spirit. Do you not know that we entertain angels unaware? There is a work going on around us all and we need each other for the things that are to come will break even the strongest of hearts. Trust in the Divine and understand that love was not meant to have restrictions or limits, but true love is boundless and is available to all that understand it. Never give up, for we are all merely learning to love. Love each other and you shall rise up a people of the spirit of God.

The time for speeches and talk are over

Freedom to love and be loved, is every individual’s right on earth. Freedom to explore and search without condemnation is the definition of spiritual liberty itself. The Christian church has an issue, but this issue won’t be the downfall of the church itself, it will however bring down the false heresy of this modern religion of hate that seeks not the true character of the Christ but of simple tradition and bigoted intolerance.

Judgments of a bias nature and nonfactual condemnation are at this point ripping the tender hearts for searching souls everywhere. People that are afraid to show emotion fill our temples and homes. People are taught to refrain from self-expression if it might offend or raise tension. They hold back their feelings of confusion, and they question not the things they feel within themselves, why is this?

Is this what the Christ taught? No, it is not. I would ask this one question to all, that claim Christianity. I would ask this, “Are you a follower of Jesus, or a following of the Church”? There are my friends, differences. Yes the Christ said that he would build his church upon this rock, but look and ask within you. Have we as a people have gone astray? Have we lost the character of Jesus in our lives? Do we judge when the Christ would never judge? Do we cast judgments on each other’s paths when we no not the direction of our brothers or sisters journey?

I am on fire for the passions of life, love and completeness fill me today like at no other time. The spirit has taught me more in one year than in forty four years. As I look however I see those that once stood by my side and see them rejecting my words and pointing dirty fingers at those who search for real truth and question the things that Jesus would question. My heart is slain, but yet it is on fire.

Is there a right and a wrong, yes there is. But we are merely the teachers and the guilders on this earth as people move down on their journeys. It is not for me or you to cast judgment or condemnation on any soul less we also be judged. We learn from our mistakes, and down each path come a lesson. Are we so arrogant that we feel the spirit has lost control of the people, and we need to intervene? The church fights a nation wishing to change laws. They wish it to be a Christian nation. In theory that would be great, but the idea of pushing one religion on anyone not only breaks our constitution but it also breaks the will of God when it comes to free will. America is great because we are a nation of spiritual people that love life and something greater than ourselves.

The real church is not a brick and mortal building; it is the unity of likeminded people that believe in the power of miracles. It is the fellowship of those that believe and practice not just simple words like those mimicked as a parrot but that move mountains that tremble at the sound of their voices. The Kingdom of God is about power not talk.  The real church will not shatter hearts, but will only shatter the walls of intolerance and hatred. I will be up front of this battle. You say, a man cannot condone sin but I say condoning and giving free will are different matters.

Today a new fellowship shall arise with its hand out in love and in truth. It will be a hand full of magick and miracle, just like that of Jesus Christ. Just like that of Moses and Elijah and all the other true believers. The time for speeches and talk are over and the time for action is at hand.

Elijah Autumn

Magick is simply an understanding of truth

The world, as many see it today is torn by everything from religious intolerance to bias hatred. With divided religions and the quarrelling of children from multiply faiths, the word truth, and love, seems much like the flower on the mountainside cliff. It is a beautiful flower, but simply out of reach of human hands. We can’t reach it without using something beyond our normal physical abilities can we? We can’t see our way because of the clouds of doubt and skepticism that fill our preprogrammed minds.

But truth, and the love that every man and woman on earth desires within them is available, we simply need to be taught how to open our eyes to see it. Modern religions have built corporate bodies in order to assemble their masses and achieve their desired conquest. New bodies of reformed or new doctrines surface every day and simply add more chaos to a dust storm of mangled theologies and ideas.

Truth is what it is, and no difference in interpretation can possible change it. Our individual minds may attempt to conceive things differently due to our traditions and upbringings, but the truth is unchanging no matter what. Mankind in its attempt to understand spiritual things without any real knowledge of spirit, have developed theologies that simply satisfy the simple mind. People want a truth that they can relate to, or that fits into their preconceived minds of what is good or right. So many however, don’t want truth if it may oppose their previous teaching, or bring down their religious idol.

Can you feel the truth? Can you hear on the echoes of the wind? Can you see in the flight of the eagle? I can. Truth is life, and life is all around us. All matter is energy and energy is what makes up all that we sense with our five senses. The Christian Bible says that our Creator pulled from the elements of Mother Earth, the ingredients that formed the first man and woman to walk this earth. Those same elements reside in each of us still today. Magick uses these same elements, and with a little knowledge, we can learn to create change in our world around us. Magick uses both energy and element for many of its practices. Then when we grow more, and later learn how to apply spirit in with this knowledge, the real of truth of things begin to seriously unfold before our eyes.

Magick is simply an understanding of truth. It is not evil nor is it good. It simply is what it is. 

SEE : Kingdom Magick on Amazon 


finding truth by Elijah Autumn

As I sit and contemplate various things that fill or world, my spirit is grieved by such an overwhelming tide of negative and harmful influences and practices. I walk each day with a mindset to allow the spirit to inspire, and to teach though various human interactions and experiences. I see religious people proclaiming their truth and I see the sad faces of those lost in despair from not finding it. Evil indeed fills our world, but my friends, the biggest evil isn’t in any religion or practice. It isn’t in any particular action or lack of action. The biggest evil on this planet is ignorance and people hurting each other through a lack of real knowledge and understanding.

Love is a word disappearing from our world. As the people lose more and more understanding of real divinity, the spirit of love slowly is fading into the darkness of man-made theologies and bias hatred towards all of God’s children. Religious people point fingers of judgment as they stand upon a mountain of lost souls that were sadly lost from the making of their own hands. The spirit of the love weeps as real seekers of truth and divinity are cast out because they don’t fit into the perfect little boxes created by the modern Pharisees of the modern churches.

There is indeed one truth, but there is not simply one path for us all. The Divine one walks each of us down various paths due to our purpose or call. Each of us learns differently and in a different way. Yes the basic truth is always the same, but the path to that truth may not always be walked by everyone at the same time. False judgments and harsh statements spoken in what folks call righteous anger can be the sword that doesn’t always divide the truth, but more so, often slays the seeking spirit of fragile butterflies that were beautiful in the eyes of God.

Is there a right and a wrong in this world – yes, there is. What we must understand however is that our world isn’t just black and white, but most often there is a gray. This gray is where most people live. They don’t conjure evil and their knowledge of spirit is minimal at best. They simply walk among the enlightened and are either feed the living water of truth, or they are polluted and beat down by bad people with a little real knowledge. A little knowledge in the wrong hands can be very dangerous in any situation.

Terms and labels have so many stereotyped definitions that people often make judgments and decisions based on preconceived and media pushed teachings. They hear certain phrases or titles and they cast their judgments not based on facts, but on what their tradition has taught them instead. People point their fingers but refuse to open their hands in acceptance or guidance. The world has traded one book over the direct intervention of spirit. They point out various scriptures intended to cut, yet at the same time they cut out various scripture entirely from the lives themselves and choose to ignore them?

Truth is all around us. The spirit is with us everywhere we go. Don’t be afraid to learn from each other. Never set in your mind that you can learn no more, but be a seeker of complete truth. Stop judging those in whom Jesus would have never judged. Stop playing God and set your mind on simply being what God said your destiny would be. Understand the Kingdom of God is not about talk but about power (1 Cor. 4:20). If you don’t see that power then take that first step forward on your path and keep walking into you do.


Kingdom Magick ( Vol.1)

Kingdom Magick ( Vol.1)

Interested in the study of Wicca or Witchcraft? Do you believe in magick and miracles? Do you find yourself drawn to practices with magickal overtones? Are you a Christian that needs more than what the modern church experience has given you? If so, then Kingdom magick may be exactly what you’re looking for.
 Kingdom Magick is a book centered around the power found in magick and miracles. It’s name is based off the scripture found in Luke 17:21 where it reads ” the kingdom of God is within you”.  
 It isn’t witchcraft in the everyday since of the already stereotyped word, but it is more of a god-craft than anything else. In some appearances, it may resemble Christian Wicca, but Kingdom Magick stands on its own and is backed by scripture.
 The book works to teach the concept that magick is neither good nor evil, but simply is, what it is. It uses both the Holy Bible, and other prophetic works, Combined along with writings of other magick believing faiths around the world. It works to teach truth, just as it truly is. 
Discover and harnesses the power within you. Kingdom Magick will be presented in a series of books. This Volume is the first.  Volume one gives a basic idea of what the author is speaking about, and then ends with a teaching on the casting of a circle. Giving a step by step approach to the how to’s .